Update on the EGCG Greenhouse:
In March 2023 Brantford City Council approved the grounds at Woodman Park Community Centre for the location of the Equal Ground Community Gardens (EGCG) greenhouse. Council also approved funding of $400,000 to support the construction of the greenhouse, the gardens and the required infrastructure (a significant amount of this funding will go towards installing drains – the $400,000 matches the cost estimate provided by City Staff in their report with the analysis of possible locations for the greenhouse – see background below).
EGCG indicated their plan for this new location is to establish the same number of garden beds as there are at the Earl Haig location, as well as planting berry bushes and fruit trees. They also indicated the relocation of the Greenhouse and Learning Centre to Woodman Park, beside the Woodman Park Community Centre and next to Woodman-Cainsville Public School will open up new programming possibilities. The site also provides ample parking and access to washrooms.
The existing EGCG at Earl Haig Park will remain operational for now, however, the future plans for this property remain unclear. There was some indication during City Council discussion that there may be plans to develop it, although nothing definite, nor any timeline was discussed.
You may recall EGCG Greenhouse project encountered some uncertainty in December 2022 when Brantford Council decided to conduct a review of the plan for the greenhouse at the Earl Haig community garden location, with a request to investigate alternative locations.
Equal Ground Community Gardens is a not for profit group that has been working since 2009 to create and support approximately 30 active community gardens throughout the City of Brantford and the County of Brant, including about a dozen garden sites found in neighbourhood parks and public spaces.
The EGCG greenhouse project (that was, as of June 2022 approved by Brantford Council) was to include the construction of the greenhouse at their existing community garden site at Earl Haig Park (101 Market St S in Brantford). The EGCG Earl Haig garden site is large and it is a central location with plenty of parking and public transit access did make it an excellent choice for the greenhouse. The proposed greenhouse is a temporary structure was to play a key role in EGCG’s 2023 programming. EGCG has worked for approximately two years to prepare this plan and have been awarded a Trillium grant to assist with the funding for the project. There are some concerns that the window for this funding may elapse before the plan moves forward.
EGCG’s vision for the greenhouse is not only for growing plants, but also to facilitate workshops, programs, events – for it to become an inclusive community hub that would bring everyone together through growing food. The plan timeline had included completion of greenhouse construction by Spring 2023. EGCG were in the final planning stages of this plan when it project was brought to an abrupt halt.
Plan Delayed
At a meeting on Dec 6th, 2022, Brantford City Council visited the topic of waiving the planning fees (approximately $3500) to help ease the burden of rising costs that have taken place over the two years that this plan has been in motion. At that meeting some Councillors raised concerns about the Earl Haig location, and mentioned the potential of future development at the Earl Haig park site. This was news to everyone at EGCG and community members who attended the meeting.
The topic of waiving the planning fees was revisited on December 20th by City Council, with the result that the item was referred back to City staff to have them explore options for alternative locations for the greenhouse. City of Brantford staff has been working quickly to try to find a new home for the Greenhouse.
The EGCG Greenhouse plan, including a proposal for an alternative location is item 6.18 on the agenda for the meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday March 9. Click here for Committee of the Whole Agenda
The report from City Staff contains a recommendation that the Greenhouse project be included in the Woodman Park Renovation. Click here to read the full Report regarding alternative locations for the EGCG Greenhouse.
Excerpts from the Staff report:
“The Waterfront Master Plan (2010) notes the importance of Earl Haig Family
Fun Park as an important destination facility for residents and visitors. The plan
also mentions that the City should reassess its role as a facility operator for the
Earl Haig Family Fun Park if the facility becomes a financial burden. “The site is
clearly an appealing site for redevelopment because of its riverside location.”
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2018) “recognizes Earl Haig Family Fun
Park as an important component to the City’s open space network, one that
should be retained as part of a much broader strategy for the protection of
greenspace and municipal waterfront land” and recommends the City continue
with plans to invest in the Park (Recommendation #34). Recommendation #66
is to, in part, “continue to work with community groups to plan for and establish
community gardens and food forests including locations within existing parks…”
Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, with a friendly reminder to represent Equal Ground Community Gardens in a courteous and respectful way, which includes following gallery rules. Note that hats, signs and items of clothing bearing slogans are not allowed.
Learn more about EGCG on Facebook including their Earth Day event Saturday April 22.